Monday, March 31, 2008

What is Non-Contagious disease? How is it caused? Etc.

Contagious disease- A disease that is capable of spreading by coming in contact.
Non Contagious disease- A disease that cannot be spread by coming in contact.

Contagious diseases
The etiologic agents of contagious diseases can be passed from one person to another in any number of ways. They are present in droplets of saliva and mucus sprayed by sneezing and coughing. They can be conveyed by passing an object from the infected person to someone else. With the close proximity of children in classrooms, the agent can be passed quickly through the class.

Non-contagious childhood diseases
Noncontagious childhood diseases are acquired by heredity—that is, passed from parents to offspring. In fact, neither of the parents may have any physical signs of the disease, but if they are carriers—people who have the recessive gene for the disease—they can pass it on to their children.

Some of these conditions are serious or even fatal; there is no cure for the person who has the disease. Some effective preventive measures can be taken to keep the disease in an inactive state, but even these measures are sometimes not effective.

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