Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reflection- by Elroy the potato head boy ( Sponsored by ElroyTheMovie )

We used old cardboards and toothpicks for the model.Used paper are crushed to make balls for the playground. These balls acts as soft cushions for the children to land on safely.

The playground has a bridge into the 'castle' like the novel, the castle is very big and suitable for adventureous children. We have a maze which is like a long journey in terabithia.

The playground is protected from the danger the weak children faced. Soft balls are placed to prevent injuries.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well this are the material for our playground:

Toothpicks- Got for free/ donated by our Mr Ching Yong
Corrugated Cardboard- $3
Styrofoam board- $1
net (spiderweb)- Donated by Ryan
TOtal- $4

If it is build in real life:

wood- 1K
net (spiderweb)- $100
cushion balls- $200

Total- $4 300

Reflection - Ryan

Well, groupwork has been rather challenging as the leader to get the group working.
But we managed to get our project done. It has a maze, a play ball area and a playground with a slide, hop-skotch and a see-saw.

Linked to our castle is a small building which is linked by a swing like in the novel 'Bridge to Terabithia'. Our model has 2 layers, the 1st layer is a maze which links to the 2nd level by a spider web. And the 2nd level is quite interesting too.

We didn't want to have stairs because it would be quite boring. Thats why we had a spiderweb and a rock climbing wall to link to the different places of the playground.

We used recycled materials for this project. :)

Our AIM - By Liew Yu Wei

1. to make the children feel that life still can be carried on. help the children forget their sickness,

Oh by the way, we're doing about non-contagious terminal illness :)

Reflection - Liew/ Yu Wei

First, the eco-friendliness of our 3D model is made out of wood like toothpick and cardboards(reused). These are used for the foundation of the model. there are also some materials like paper(reused) from the rubbish bin for the so that the base of the have lots of little crushed paper balls, these act as cushion balls.

The playground that we create is based on the book "Bridge to Terabithia". The playground is made like a castle with a bridge, like a kingdom in Terabithia. Withing the castle, there are lots of mazes and secret tunnels, these acts as the dangers faced in Terabithia . After completing the maze and face all the "dangers", the children will be standing on top of the castle.

The playground meets the children's needs by giving them feel happier as the playground is colorful.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Our draft ideas

our final idea

Drawings done by Chin Yong.
Ideas by Ryan and Chin Yong


Name: Mohd Fathullah ( 28 )

Class: 2E5

Fill in the following and use the content/research/findings in your final group proposal for your Playground Project Blog.

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model
- The products used are recycleable, it can be reuse also

Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)
- Not only that we conserve the resources, we may teach the children to conserve
- The materials used are painted with different colours, suiting the location,
e.g. near the sea, most of it is blue, near the forest, most of them is green

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel
- There are bridges that are similar to the one which is in the novel
- The castle-like modal is is also similar to the castle in the noval

Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel
- The bridge is used to enter Terabithia, we also made the same idea of using
the bridge as an entrance.
- The castle is similar to the one in the noval even the colour are the same.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children
- The inner and outer castle is very hygenic and soft so the children will not
get hurt.

Explanation of how the designs meet the special needs of the children
- The walls of the castle are made of soft products such as rubber, but in the
modal, we used cardboards as we cannot find the materials.